Despite the success of its shared Spider-Man movies, the deal between Sony and Disney fell apart, leaving the fate of Tom Holland's Spider-Man hanging by a thread. While the studios were able to come to an agreement which allowed Holland's version of everyone's favorite wall crawler to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with two more standalone movies, the wait must have been difficult for the British actor.
Speaking with Variety on the red carpet of the premiere of Disney Pixar's Onward, Holland was asked who supported him during the time when the Disney and Sony deal fell apart. According to the Spider-Man: Far From Home actor, his Avengers: Endgame co-star Chris Pratt was one of the most supportive people during that difficult time in his life.
"You know, everyone was really supportive. Obviously everyone, but Chris and I were standing backstage [at D23] together before we were called out on stage," Holland told the entertainment news outlet, "I was telling him the news and he hadn't heard it yet and he was like, 'No, that's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. They're going to figure it out and if not, you'll be great. You'll be fine,' so it was just really nice to have him in my corner because he's something I really look up to and someone I really appreciate and I'm glad that we're good buddies."
Of course, Pratt wasn't the only one who stood up for Holland. Apparently, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was also working to bring back Holland's Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It's really great to see Holland have so many supporters. Then again, Holland's version of Spidey has been one of the best live-action versions of the character. Marvel wouldn't want to let go of that.
Avengers: Endgame is available on Blu-Ray and DVD.
Read: Chris Pratt Compares Jurassic World 3 to Avengers: Endgame
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