Tie-in Issues Revealed For Marvel's Infinity Countdown

Marvel's Infinity Countdown event is actually one of the more interesting events coming out, with the return of Wolverine somehow connected to the Infinity Stones. Like most comic events, there will be tie-in issues that expand on the story more or give the spotlight to some characters who normally don't get it. So to no one's surprise, there are tie-in comics to Infinity Countdown.

According to the official Marvel website, there will be tie-in one-shots that focus on Daredevil and Captain Marvel. We're also getting a four-issue mini-series that will focus on 90's hero Darkhawk, which spins out of the Darkhawk #51 one-shot that came out a few months ago. It will also be connected to the recently concluded Guardians of the Galaxy comic.

Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1 will focus on the guardian of Hell's Kitchen, as he finds the Mind Stone in the New York City underworld and tries to keep it away from anyone who would use its powers for evil. Gerry Duggan, who writes for the main Infinity Countdown series, will pen this one-shot while Chris Sprouse provides interior art.

James McCann will write Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel #1, with art from Diego Olortegui. Continuing the journey that's taken her to another dimension into the clutches of Thanos and Nebula, Captain Marvel—in possession of the Reality Stone—returns to Earth, having contacted the Marvels of many worlds along the way.

Finally, the four-issue Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk will be written by Chris Sims and Chad Bowers, who also wrote his Marvel Legacy one-shot. Gang Hyuk Lim will provide art for the series.

These Infinity Countdown tie-ins will be available in May. The Champions and Black Widow will also be receiving tie-in comics for the series, though no creative teams have been announced.

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