After The Dark Knight and Ant-Man, David Dastmalchian has found himself cast in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad as Polka-Dot Man. While we don't have any official promo material for the movie, we may have gotten a look of Dastmalchian in costume.
He's actually behind this fan photo with John Cena on the set of the film.
Here's a close-up:
While it's not really his ‘super-villain' get-up, you can kind of get hint at his love for patterns with the checkered pants that he's wearing. Seeing that Polka-Dot Man is one of the more obscure characters in the Squad, I'm interested to see what Gunn has in mind for Dastmalchian's version. Will he actually be a serious asset to the team, or will everyone joke about him being useless only to have him shine in the last second?
We don't know when we're going to get our first look at the movie yet, but hopefully, we get something before the year ends. With DC focusing on the release of The Batman though, I can imagine that the hype for Suicide Squad will start building sometime early 2021. Then again, I wouldn't be opposed to an SDCC teaser in July, since that's usually when the DCEU likes to do their big reveals.
Though everyone wants Gunn back for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, he'll have to get The Suicide Squad out of the way first. Hopefully, we get the same amount of passion that we've had in his Marvel films.
Catch The Suicide Squad when it comes out Aug. 6, 2021.
Read Also: John Cena's Peacemaker Spotted in Set Video for The Suicide Squad
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