The Rise of Skywalker Leak Reveals Jannah is Actually [SPOILERS]'s Daughter

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will feature the debut of Naomi Ackie's Jannah. Not much is known about her character yet, so her identity is mostly the topic focused on in a handful of theories. However, a new Episode IX leak might reveal the truth about her past, and it's actually pretty cool.


The leak comes from Jason Ward of Making Star Wars where he provided some details about Jannah's connection to the story and the characters in the upcoming film.

Ward said the heroes will be encountering Billy Dee Williams' Lando Calrissian on Pasaana, where he was asked to join the Resistance fight. He refuses the offer but points the heroes to the direction of Ochi's ship.

When the heroes were about to leave, Lando makes a confession about his daughter who was taken by the First Order and said that he thinks his child is now a Stormtrooper. This obviously affects Finn, who has experienced a similar past.

Eventually, Jannah joins the fight that takes place above Exegol. When their ship was falling, Lando arrives just in time to rescue them. After this happened, they decided to just go home. Upon receiving Jannah's sector, Lando discovers that this was his sector too, implying that Jannah was actually Lando's daughter all along.

According to Ward, the reveal would be somewhat similar when Han Solo knew about Luke and Leia being siblings in Return of the Jedi.

It's certainly an epic moment between the two, but it can be received differently by some fans. That being said, this isn't actually confirmed yet. But Ward said this reveal wouldn't feel "heavy-handed" in the film.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20.

Also Read: Star Wars' Reveals Poe Dameron's Tie to the Original Trilogy

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