The Mandalorian: Ming-Na Wen's Thoughts About Baby Yoda is Totally Relatable

Credit: Lucasfilm, Disney+, Vanity Fair

Credit: Lucasfilm, Disney+, Vanity Fair

Star Wars: The Mandalorian has released two episodes so far. And while the show is focused on Pedro Pascal's bounty hunter, people still can't get over, of what's probably the most adorable character fans have seen in the franchise so far. Even an actor from the show expressed her thoughts about the character.

This article contains potential SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Mandalorian.

It is clear that from the first episode, Baby Yoda has won over the internet and has fans gushing over the character. If you recall, the baby was Pascal's bounty hunter's target. The character is yet to have a name but the species is similar to that of the Jedi Master. It is supposedly 50 years old, but different planets have a unique aging process, hence the baby's appearance.

The Agents of SHIELD actress, Ming-Na Wen, who will play the role of Fennec Shand, can't get over the baby's cuteness much like the fans. She even took to Twitter to express her fondness of the character. You can check out her tweet below.

The story is interesting and has fans gripping with excitement, but it looks like the baby has stolen the spotlight. The baby has captured the fans' hearts, however, little is known about the character but the baby seems essential to the story. That being said, fans are excited to see what journey it will face in the following episodes.

As for Wen's character, Fennec Shand is yet to make an appearance in The Mandalorian. The episodes we have so far are focused on the Mandalorian's mission to a desert planet.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is available to stream on Disney+, the third episode will be released on November 22.

Also Read: The Mandalorian: It's [SPOILER] Who Allegedly Saves the Mando During the Clone Wars

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