The Mandalorian: It's [SPOILER] Who Allegedly Saves the Mando During the Clone Wars


The very first episode of The Mandalorian has revealed that the main Mando has a tragic past, and some shots from the trailers have confirmed that it was from a droid attack during the Clone Wars. What's interesting is, a new rumor has come out to reveal exactly who saved the Mando from the war.

As revealed by Making Star Wars' Jason Ward, it's been said that the Mando will be saved by none other than Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ewan McGregor is said to be reprising the role, which makes sense since Kenobi is already dead by the present timeline of the show.

Having Kenobi save the Mando actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as he has a connection with the Mandalorians in The Clone Wars. I have to say, this could have been a fantastic cameo, and it would be great to see McGregor's Kenobi in Clone armor. Maybe they can even go the extra mile and give him the Mandalorian disguise.

For now, it's just a rumor, but I have to say, it sounds very plausible, counting that McGregor is coming back for his own Star Wars series on Disney+. If you ask me they should have stuck with films since every episode of Mandalorian has always been followed up with an agonizing week of anticipation from fans. I guess we got too spoiled with Netflix's full-season drops.

Catch The Mandalorian on Disney+ today.

Read Also: The Mandalorian Cast Shares Taika Waititi's Unusual Directing Style

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