Warning: If you haven't seen Chapter 20 of The Mandalorian, this article contains MAJOR SPOILERS so read at your own risk!
It's no secret that last week's episode of The Mandalorian Season 3 was met with negativity from viewers, simply because it barely featured our titular bounty hunter, Grogu, and Bo-Katan Kryze. To give you a refresher, Chapter 19 diverted fans a little and shifted its focus to the returning Doctor Penn Pershing (Omid Abtahi) and Elia Kane (Katy O'Brian).

Considering it was the longest Mandalorian episode to date, many fans felt robbed that the show's headlining characters were only given roughly 15 minutes of screen time. This week was quite different though, and despite Chapter 20 only getting 30 minutes, viewers were much happier with the latest episode compared to last week's.
Titled "The Foundling", it finally offered fans some much-needed clarity surrounding Grogu's Order 66 experience which was first teased in The Book of Boba Fett. Apparently, the Child was rescued from the Jedi purge by a man named Kelleran Beq, played by Jar Jar Binks voice actor Ahmed Best.
The episode also seals The Child's fate who just started his journey to become a Mandalorian himself under the tutelage of Din Djarin.
Following the episode, fans took to social media to express their gratification with Chapter 20 despite being the show's shortest episode yet. Check out some of the Twitter reactions below:
Also Read: The Mandalorian Chapter 20 Marks Jaw-Dropping Return of Prequel Trilogy Icon
To be fair, last week's episode was also pretty great but I totally understand why a lot of fans felt somewhat alienated by it. I gotta say though, it feels quite rewarding to finally know about Grogu's connection to Order 66 but I think we can all agree that we need to see more.
The latest episode of The Mandalorian Season 3 is now streaming on Disney+.