Everyone takes a trip down memory lane as the sequel to Enchanted comes out of Disney Plus after more than ten years of waiting for Disenchanted to happen. How did the highly anticipated movie ended and will there be more to it? Here's the ending, explained.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Disenchanted. Read at your own risk!
The Ending of Disenchanted Explained

A quick recap on what happened before the ending of Disenchanted, Giselle and their family goes to Monroeville to start a new life and Morgan is now a "teenager," a concept that Giselle couldn't really wrap her finger around. Andalasians Nancy and Edward gifts Sofia an Andalasian wand.
Giselle, frustrated with their transfer not looking like the fairy tale that she wanted it to be, and feeling that their family may be growing apart, especially Morgan who is clearly unhappy with the transfer, Giselle uses the Andalasian wand and wishes for a fairy tale life.
Giselle wakes up to find the whole town like a real fairy tale, Monroelasia, and when the town clock chimes, she feels a need to be villainous. She realized that a step-mother in fairy tales are usually villains and scroll that comes with the Andalasian wand says the wish would be permanent if not undone before the last strike of midnight.
It turns out that a wish that huge would require all the magic of Andalasia and it is getting sucked into Monroelasia, thus, the destruction of both worlds as they know it. Giselle, feeling that she needs help, sought that of Morgan who is clueless about what is happening at first.
READ MORE: Disenchanted Teases New Musical Number: ‘Even More Enchanted’
Nancy and Edward found the memory tree of Giselle withering but with Morgan in Andalasia, they realized that there is hope and Giselle could still save everyone through Morgan once the teen activates the memories. Nancy belts out Love Power.
In Monroelasia, Giselle is almost consumed by being a villain going toe-to-toe with Malvina. All of Andalasia is almost sucked into Monroelasia but the arrival of Morgan with her very own memory tree reminded Giselle of who she really is. However, Malvina broke the wand.
Not letting the clock strike to the last of midnight, Robert stops the clock and while Giselle is fading away with the rest of Andalasia, only Morgan could undo the wish. However, Morgan knows that she isn't a true child of Andalasia, it is even pointed out by Malvina.

Still, Giselle knows Morgan could make a wish because from the start, she knows Morgan is a true daughter of Andalasia for she is her daughter, nothing more, nothing less. Despite the wand being broken, the magic couldn't be destroyed. Hoping for the best, all Morgan wished for is to be home with her family.
Alas, the wish of Morgan worked and Monroeville is back to normal, same with Andalasia whose magic was returned upon the wish of Morgan coming true. For everyone else, it was just a horrible dream but for Giselle and Morgan, they have memories of everything that happened.
In the end, Giselle realizes that the happily ever after that she is looking for may not be the same as what life planned for her but with her family beside her, she could make any day as happy as she could want it to be ever after.
The ending of Disenchanted also does away with the step-mothers and step-daughters not being able to reconcile their differences. While they may not be related by blood, they could still be mother and child.
Happily ever after, after all, does exist.
Disenchanted is now streaming on Disney Plus.