The Batman Director Says Michael Giacchino's Score Helped Robert Pattinson Get Into Character

There is little doubt that Robert Pattinson worked hard to play the Caped Crusader in The Batman. However, it looks like the former Harry Potter star also got some help from one of the film's major players. Director Matt Reeves has revealed that the film's theme, which was composed by Michael Giacchino, helped Pattinson get into character!

If you have been following updates on The Batman, there is a good chance you have already heard the powerful themes composed by Michael Giacchino for the film. Each major character also has their own themes and the one for the Caped Crusader is quite fitting. It's so good that Robert Pattinson somehow nailed the part.

Matt Reeves recently attended the press release for the soundtrack reveal and the filmmaker admitted that he enjoyed working with Michael Giacchino. Reeves then shared how Giacchino helped make Pattinson's screen test so successful.

"Michael sent me this incredible suite which contained the Batman theme — he had put it together with an orchestra — and I was blown away! It was so emotional. I drove to the set, and [The Batman producer] Dylan Clark was there, and I said to him, 'You have to get in the car.' He sat in the passenger seat, and I turned up the music. The two of us literally cried. He, too, felt it was amazing," Reeves said.

"I just felt like this was a very special, fated day, because Robert was about to be in one of the classic Batsuits, we were going to shoot some scenes, and there we were listening to this perfect music," he continued. "Suddenly you felt you were about to be part of film history that meant so much to you and meant so much to everyone. That music helped Robert Pattinson to become Batman, and we listened to that music all the time."

It's an awesome story and now we're certainly excited to see Pattinson in action next month. The Batman will premiere in theaters on March 4, 2022.

Related: The Batman Producer Compares Colin Farrell's Penguin Spin-off to Scarface

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