Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Will Finally Tell Us Who Rey Really Is

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the big finale to Disney's first official trilogy for the franchise and is expected to end any Skywalker-related storyline, at least for now. Fans have a number of burning questions to ask, like "will Kylo Ren will get redemption?" or "how will they handle Princess Leia's exit?" among others. Writer Chris Terrio revealed that The Rise of Skywalker will answer one burning question however: Who is Rey?

I mean, The Last Jedi already told us who she was but it looks like they're going to be changing that up, even though it was answered perfectly before. Oh well.

During an interview with Empire, Terrio said the answer to "Who is Rey?" will be definitive, which is something. It seems like people aren't pleased with Rey's parents just being random drunks, even if they're okay with Anakin Skywalker literally being evil Jesus Christ.

One of them is a simple one: ‘Who is Rey?' Which is a question that people not only wonder about quite literally, but wonder about in the spiritual sense. How can Rey become the spiritual heir to the Jedi? We kept coming back to ‘Who is Rey?', and how can we give the most satisfying answer to that not only factually - because obviously people are interested in whether there's more to be learned of Rey's story - but more importantly who is she as a character? How will she find the courage and will and inner strength and power to carry on what she's inherited?

Apologies if I sound catty but this writer was hoping that The Rise of Skywalker would handle more pressing matters, like Kylo Ren's possible redemption or the final battle between The Resistance and The First Order. Sadly, we're back to phase one from The Force Awakens because people were noisy about the changes Rian Johnson made.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out on December 20.

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