Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Gets an 80s-Inspired Poster

It's no mystery that Lucasfilm has been banking on nostalgia to sell their newer Star Wars films, and with The Rise of Skywalker coming out next week, we've been getting a lot of great posters. Just in, we have a new 80s-inspired poster that was designed by Hugh Fleming.

Check it out:

It looks great, and I love how Kylo's face is peeking out of the broken helmet—much like Vader's look when he was fighting Ahsoka in the finale of Star Wars Rebels Season 2. All the main characters are also in the poster including an older Lando Calrissian; I guess there wasn't enough space to add Leia or the rest of the First Order gang.

This could just be nitpicking on my part, but I think Rey looks a tad reddish in the poster. I would think that it's supposed to be the glow off of Kylo's helmet, but it just looks like she fell asleep in a tanning bed. Again, that's just my opinion.

It's been more than a year since the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, and everyone is excited to have Star Wars back in theaters. We don't know if this will manage to top the success of Avengers: Endgame, but seeing as Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars, the company is basically just competing with itself.

Catch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when it comes out Dec. 20.

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