Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Actor Explains Why J.J. Abrams Had To Direct Episode IX

Remember when there was a time that Colin Trevorrow was supposed to work on the then-untitled Star Wars Episode IX? Things have certainly changed now that J.J. Abrams is working on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Interestingly, Domhnall Gleeson is happy with the idea and believes that Abrams is the best person to helm the movie.

Gleeson recently spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about his new film The Kitchen but he also discussed what it was like working on The Rise of Skywalker. The Peter Rabbit star admitted that he was delighted to work with Abrams again although he also enjoyed working with The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson.

"I had enjoyed the experience with J.J. so much, but then really enjoyed the experience with Rian also. So I was game for whomever they threw at the turf, but when I heard it was J.J., it made total sense to me," Gleeson said.

As it turns out, Gleeson has absolute trust in Abrams' vision since Abrams was the one who kickstarted the sequel trilogy in the first place.

"[Episode] VII had been so great, and he understands it so thoroughly. He invented all of those characters. For him to usher them through the door... I thought it made total sense," he said.

Gleeson added that Abrams took a lot of risks with Star Wars: The Force Awakens and he believes that the director made the right call.

"It's important to take risks when you're making films, and J.J. takes them in the right way. I thought that it was really smart and very, very fortuitous that they got him back," he concluded.

It's great to know that Gleeson thinks so highly of Abrams. Hopefully, The Rise of Skywalker will live up to the hype.

Gleeson returns as General Hux in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker on December 20.

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