Star Wars: Stormtrooper Humiliates Lightsaber-Wielding Fan at Disneyland

Anyone who heads for Disneyland with a lightsaber would probably jump at the chance to face off against Kylo Ren. Unfortunately, one Star Wars fan was turned down as he approached Kylo. In addition to that, he was humiliated by one of the Stormtroopers.

The viral video features a fan trying to get Kylo to react to him by showing off his lightsaber. Kylo simply looks at him and says, "A lightsaber. Interesting," then walks away.

If that's not enough, a Stormtrooper went up to the fan to explain why Kylo wasn't interested in the possible lightsaber duel. "If there's one Jedi left, it's not you," the Stormtrooper said, much to the delight of the crowd. Watch the video below.

Ouch, that's gotta hurt. That's probably the worst burn in the Star Wars Universe since Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar. He's gonna need a bacta tank after that.

All kidding aside, the Star Wars characters parading around at Disneyland are probably not allowed to engage in lightsaber battles with fans so they had to find a way to turn down the possible duel. On the other hand, they didn't have to humiliate the guy, right?

If you're looking for epic lightsaber duels, you can still watch Kylo take on Rey in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. At least those fights don't feature shade-throwing Stormtroopers at all. The film is currently screening in theaters worldwide.

Related: LittleKuriboh Sums Up Parts of Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker with Yu-Gi-Oh! Screen Captures

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