LittleKuriboh Sums Up Parts of Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker with Yu-Gi-Oh! Screen Captures

LittleKuriboh, who's best known on the internet for his parody series Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, has taken it to Twitter to poke fun at the latest Star Wars film, Rise of the Skywalker. The comedian is constantly poking fun at the anime series about the children's card game, but now he's taken some screen captures from the popular Japanese anime to tell the story of the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga.

There are no direct spoilers from the film so if you haven't seen it, you probably won't get the context of these screen captures, but if you're familiar with what the Yu-Gi-Oh! card featured in one of the images does, then you probably have an idea what happens in the film even if you haven't seen it yet.

I haven't seen Rise of the Skywalker myself but I've seen some light spoilers so let me take a stab: The Millennium pyramid-looking artifact probably represents the location of their final battle against Palpatine. I'm guessing Yugi with the shortsword is Rey, and Yami-Yugi is Kylo Ren trying to revive Rey at the end. Whatever it is, it's probably just as silly as what's shown here, and LittleKuriboh probably summed it up well.

Did you get how these images connect to the events of Rise of the Skywalker?

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker is now showing in theaters.

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