Donald Glover, the young Lando Calrissian in the new Han Solo movie, has been tapped to recreate another iconic character: Simba, the titular hero in the live- action reimagining of the classic animated film The Lion King.
The Lion King director Jon Favreau tweeted the news with a photo of Glover.
Under it he tweeted: "I just want to be king. #Simba."
That one sentence is a very popular song in the original soundtrack. Then voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas in the 1994 Disney flick, the cub Simba was strutting all over his future kingdom, proudly expecting to take over the reins from his father King Mufasa (voiced by James Earl Jones). Relive that moment in the video clip below.
As everyone who was watched the movie knows by now, betrayal rears its head and the young Simba had to grow up and fight to regain his throne.
Polygon says it is still unclear as to whether Glover will voice the teenage Simba or the young-adult one voiced by Matthew Broderick.
Glover's star is on the rise these days. Aside from the yet untitled Han Solo movie, he is also slated to appear in Spider-Man: Homecoming which will be released into theaters this year. Billy Dee Williams, the original Lando in the Star Wars trilogy, has said that Glover has some of the traits that make him fit for the role of Han Solo's more calculating best friend.
Jon Favreau is directing the live-action reimagining of Walt Disney's The Lion King. No release date has yet been announced.
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