Star Wars Legend Mark Hamill Opens Up Debate On Luke Skywalker Meme

Mark Hamill's always been a notorious joker (pun intended of course) and over the years the Star Wars legend has shared so many different Star Wars memes and ‘leaks' on his different social media accounts.

One of the memes that's been circulating online has become so predominant that Hamill has had to ask his followers on Twitter if the image wasn't an actual part of A New Hope or if it was an image taken from behind-the-scenes.

"Can someone who has seen this recently tell me if it's just an on-set production still or did it actually happen in the movie? #ShortTermMemoryLoss" Hamill wrote on his post on the social media site.

In the meme, fans get to see a picture of Luke Skywalker taking a look at a lightsaber that Obi-Wan Kenobi gives him. The uninitiated farmboy (at the time) looks directly into the barrel of the lightsaber, pointing at his face.

"Handed the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy, immediately points at face," the meme points out what fans have been thinking all these years.

It's a fun meme and after Hamill posted the picture fans couldn't help but make jabs at the image. Some told the Star Wars legend that the meme was a picture of a "flashlight test" that Luke's siblings before him had failed. Some shared memes of what would have happened to Luke had he actually turned on the saber. Others went as far as hostaging the answer to Hamill's question in exchange for Star Wars: Episode IX info.

What do you think of the meme? Any other fun Star Wars memes that you'd like to share? Feel free to use the comment section below.

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