Star Wars: The Force Awakens might have successfully reignited the primordial fire of the Star Wars franchise, however, one of the biggest criticisms directed at the movie is the way it played safe. Fans felt like Episode VII took too many notes from Star Wars: A New Hope, calling the entry a rehash of the original Star Wars movie.
Now that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker inches towards its release, director J.J. Abrams finally addresses fans complaining that The Force Awakens has been nothing but a rehash of A New Hope. Though the filmmaker understands and respects fans' views about Episode VII, Abrams tells Rolling Stone that the idea was to continue the story that George Lucas left behind.
"I completely get the criticism, and for those who found it too much of an overlap, I say, 'I totally hear you and respect the review,'" Abrams started.
According to the filmmaker, The Force Awakens was supposed to be a story that reminded viewers about the history of the franchise.
"But the idea was to continue the story and to begin with this young woman who felt like Luke Skywalker was a myth," the director elaborated, "And to tell a story that was not just history repeating itself, but a story that embraced the movies that we know as the actual history of this galaxy."
Abrams says that Lucasfilm's sequel trilogy has taken the right direction, not just "nostalgia play." It's rather reasonable to see Rey (Daisy Ridley) and the rest of the sequel trilogy cast living in the shadow of the battle that came before them, "grappling with the sings of the father and the people who have preceded them."
To the filmmaker, the sequel trilogy is a return to the Star Wars that fans all know so that the galaxy far, far away can finally tell a new story.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20, 2019.
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