While DICE has fixed the problems with Star Wars Battlefront II, the game is far from perfect. People who play on foreign servers still have a problem with finding populated matches, but now a new option will allow players to jump into random games that need them.
This was confirmed by community manager Ben Walke:
Quick Match basically puts players into any kind of game that needs more bodies. While modes like Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy are usually always full, this could be helpful to anyone who's looking to play Starfighter Assault or the seemingly forgotten Ewok Hunt.
Admittedly, it doesn't seem like the end-all solution to the empty lobby problem, but it's not nothing. At this point, I'd rather play any game mode as long as I'm sure that some people are playing it. Heck, it might even make me feel a little better that my joining a game actually saved it.
Besides this fix, a lot of people are waiting on the Rise of Skywalker update that's coming next month. We don't know what the devs have in store, but it's said that we'll be introduced to a new planet as well as some new reinforcements for both the First Order and Resistance. Seeing that only the prequel era has been getting the attention for the past year, I'm finally happy to be moving on from the Clone Wars and back to the current trilogy.
Play Star Wars Battlefront II on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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