It's no secret that Baby Yoda is the most adorable thing that Star Wars has to offer right now. After all, the Child was one of the reasons why so many people tuned in to watch The Mandalorian. Interestingly, the source of Baby Yoda's voice has been revealed and it's just as cute as the little alien itself.
The revelation comes from sound editor David Acord of Skywalker Sound, who recently spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about working on The Mandalorian. Acord confirmed that he took inspiration from adorable animals for Baby Yoda's voice.
"I was recording animals at this wildlife rescue outside of San Diego. Two of the animals I recorded had this really cute, almost childlike quality to them. One was a bat-eared fox and one is a kinkajou," Acord admitted.
I'm not sure what these animals sound like but they are two of the cutest things I've ever seen.
But wait, these animals are not the only sources of Baby Yoda's voice. As it turns out, real babies lent their gurgles to the Child as well.
"Jon Favreau thought that they needed to be more human-sounding or something a little more relatable," Acord continued. "We dialed way back on the animal part, and now that's just there for little grunts and coos and purring. We used some real baby vocals for when [The Child] gets really fussy and that kind of thing. Then I have some of my own vocal in there, too, for more of the articulated vocalizations, pitched way up. So it's a combination of things."
There you have it, Baby Yoda's voice is the result of two sweet-looking creatures, real baby noises, and a sound editor. It all comes together perfectly.
You can see and hear more of Baby Yoda in the second season of The Mandalorian, which is expected to air on Disney+ later this year.
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