Star Wars: Anthony Daniels Possibly Confirms C-3PO's Fate in The Rise of Skywalker

Anyone who has seen the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker might be genuinely concerned about C-3PO in the upcoming film. After all, the droid drops a heartbreaking line about looking at his friends for the last time. But is it possible that Anthony Daniels has confirmed Threepio's fate in Episode IX?

Daniels recently spoke to Huffington Post about C-3PO's role in The Rise of Skywalker and the longtime Star Wars actor had a surprising revelation about his character's storyline. Amazingly, Daniels admitted that he asked director J.J. Abrams to kill the droid off in the final film of the Skywalker Saga.

"Before filming this, it seemed like the writers had slightly run out of steam with C-3PO. I didn't want him to just become a wall decoration," Daniels said. "I thought he should have a big send-off or send-off that gave you finality."

It's a shocking thought considering that Threepio, along with R2-D2, has been a part of the Star Wars storyline right from the start. On the other hand, it's understandable that Daniels would want the character to play a significant role in The Rise of Skywalker. Luckily, Abrams didn't want to do anything drastic with the droid. Or did he?

"Of course, at the time, J.J. said no way," Daniels assured. However, he added that "J.J. is notorious for changing his mind on a minute-by-minute basis. It makes working with him a vibrant experience."

So will fans need to say goodbye to Threepio in The Rise of Skywalker? We're hoping that we don't have to. Nevertheless, the truth will be revealed in just a few days.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will premiere on December 20.

Related: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Director JJ Abrams Praises Hideo Kojima

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