Star Wars Actor Oscar Isaac Praises Poe Dameron Comic Series

Marvel’s Moon Knight actor and Star Wars Sequel Trilogy star Oscar Isaac is publicly praising the comics based on the character that he played, Poe Dameron. Oscar Isaac revealed that not only does he know about the comic series about his character, Star Wars: Poe Dameron written by author Charles Soule, but he also claims that he read all thirty-one issues of it, and loves it!

In a recent interview with Publishers Weekly’s Heidi MacDonald, Oscar Isaac was asked if he knew of Charles Soule’s Poe Dameron comic, to which he replied enthusiastically:

Poe Dameron
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Credit: Lucasfilm
Poe Dameron

"I have, I got all of them. I was so excited: that was the first time a character of mine had been in a comic book – that I had created this character. So I was really excited to see that and read about his parents and yeah, that was a really special thing to see."

The comic series Star Wars: Poe Dameron followed the story of Poe across different periods of time in the Resistance battle with The First Order. The timeline of the comic series was set before the events of The Force Awakens, as well as before and after The Last Jedi.

In addition to focusing more on the character of Poe Dameron and his career as The Resistance’s best pilot, the comic series also focused on his backstory, and the role of his parents (Shara Bey and Kes Dameron) in the large Star Wars Universe. For a lot of the Star Wars fans, the comic series for Poe Dameron is the reason why the character became a fan-favorite and a true successor to Han Solo that the Sequel Trilogy films did.

By the time Oscar Isac got back to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker back in 2019, he (like every other major cast member) could barely restrain his criticisms of how Lucasfilm and Disney had handled his character’s arc. In some interviews post-Star Wars, Isaac even seemingly indicated that the frustration was enough for him to close the possibility of playing Poe again:

"[I'm] happy and feeling fulfilled that the task is complete," Isaac said in an interview with Variety. "So I can't imagine what it would be that would make me want to redo this thing or revisit it."

As of now, a lot has changed in the Star Wars Universe since the end of the Sequel Trilogy. The Mandalorian series sparked an entire Star Wars TV Universe to flourish. Several corrective measures for some of the wrong choices of the ST era are bringing the fans anticipated new series such as the prequel series of Rogue One, Andor.

The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is currently available to stream on Disney+.

Also Read: Star Wars: Hayden Christensen Has Surprising Opinion About the Sequel Trilogy

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