Star Trek's William Shatner Acknowledges Existence of Star Wars' Mara Jade

Credit: Marvel

Credit: Marvel

There's been a long-running argument amongst Star Wars fans whether or not Lucasfilm made the right call by removing a lot of characters and stories from the franchise's official canon. As it stands, it looks like the company has no plans of bringing anything that is non-canon back to the fold but diehard supporters of the iconic sci-fi franchise are still hopeful.

Even Star Trek's William Shatner seems to be familiar with the Expanded Universe, now dubbed as Star Wars Legends, and surprisingly enough, he referenced arguably one of the most popular female characters that used to be part of the official Star Wars continuity.

It all began when Shatner pointed out to a fan on Twitter that if Star Trek writer Alex Kurtzman has plans of altering his character Kirk's sexuality, he has no problem with it. The said fan's tweet has been deleted after the veteran actor called him out but it's safe to assume that he was trying to drag Shatner.

Interestingly, the entire thread led to Shatner giving a little shoutout to Trek's longtime "rival" Star Wars, and apparently, he knows his stuff quite well. Replying to another fan who tried to point out that the Jedi are basically Monks who are celibate, Shatner brought up Luke Skywalker's spouse Mara Jade Skywalker who appeared prominently in the novels and comics.

However, although it's quite impressive that he knows about the character. Shatner got one thing wrong about her. Mara Jade is no longer considered to be a part of the current Star Wars canon and instead has been relegated to the Legends Universe which was established by Disney and Lucasfilm in 2014.

Still, despite the fact that Mara Jade is pretty much non-existent today, the character still remained to have a strong following and a lot of fans are actually hoping that one day, she could somehow make her way back to the official continuity.

Meanwhile, for your Star Wars fix, the Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.

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