Spider-Man: Homecoming Star Says Mac Gargan Could Return to MCU

We already know that anyone who isn't dead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a chance of returning in future films. After all, even the characters who have been killed off are getting their own movies (yep, I'm talking about Black Widow here). So what are the chances that we'll also get to see certain villains coming back to terrorize the heroes? Spider-Man: Homecoming star Michael Mando has teased on the possibility that we haven't seen the last of Mac Gargan.

Gargan only had a small role to play in Homecoming but he did appear to be part of a larger scheme. In the movie, Gargan was supposed to be Adrian Toomes' new buyer of all those Chitauri weapons. Unfortunately, he was caught by Spider-Man and thrown into prison. However, Gargan showed up again in the post-credits scene asking Toomes about the webslinger's identity.

But what are the chances that Gargan will show up again in the MCU? Mando told Steve Varley that although he isn't sure, he hasn't given up on his character just yet.

"There is a chance," Mando said with a laugh. "There's always a chance."

We wouldn't be surprised if Gargan shows up again and possibly in Spider-Man 3. After all, Peter Parker's secret has already been revealed at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. There's a huge possibility that Gargan is ready to take revenge on the teenager and might even take on the Scorpion persona soon.

For now, the premise of Spider-Man 3 is still a mystery and it has not yet been confirmed whether Mando will reprise his role in the MCU sequel. Nevertheless, the third Spider-Man film is already scheduled for release on July 16, 2021.

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