Solo: A Star Wars Story Promo Art Puts the Falcon Front and Center

Director Ron Howard has confirmed that work on Solo: A Star Wars Story is almost done, and with the movie coming out next month, Lucasfilm is steadily pushing the marketing for the film. We all know that we'll be seeing a new version of the Millennium Falcon in the movie, and some promo art gives us a good look at Lando Calrissian's ship.

Source: Star Wars Legacy/Twitter

Though some people may be complaining that the appearance of the Falcon breaks canon, some toys have revealed that the piece in the front is actually a detachable cargo hold/ship. This concept may be new to the movies, but Star Wars Rebels has also given us a huge ship (The Ghost) that has a smaller one docked inside it (The Phantom), that can go off in missions independently.

I really like the sleek look of the Falcon, and I'm excited to know more about the history of the ship. Legends actually provides some very rich lore for the Falcon before Han got his hands on it, but it would be interesting to actually see its story unfold in the film.

Catch Han, Chewie, Lando, and new character Qi'Ra when Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters May 25.

See Also: Solo A Star Wars Story: Denny's Commercial Hints at Sabacc Game Between Han Solo and Lando Calrissian

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