Solo A Star Wars Story: Photos have the New Han and Lando Meeting the Original Han and Lando

We know that prior to shooting Solo: A Star Wars Story, Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover decided to meet up with original actors of Han and Lando. Harrison Ford and Billy Dee Williams. With the red carpet premier last week, the young actors were once again reunited with the originals.

Check it out:

We know that this photo of Ford and Ehrenreich came after Ford decided to crash an interview that Ehrenreich was having with Entertainment Tonight. Though Ford is usually a grump about Star Wars, it's kind of cool that he would show some support for the actor taking over the role.

As for Williams and Glover, it's cool that they actually ended up wearing the same colors to the premiere. It's been said that this movie will reveal that Lando is very particular about his clothes, and it seems to have bled over to the actors in real life.

Though a lot of people were initially worried about this film, reactions that have been posted online have been mostly positive, giving praise to Ehrenreich and Glover. Then again, we'll just have to wait for the official release to see what the rest of the fanbase thinks. Critics loved The Last Jedi, but a huge chunk of the fans ended up hating the film.

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes out May 25.

See Also: Donald Glover On What It Was Like Dressing Like Lando In Solo: A Star Wars Story

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