Ryan Reynolds Wishes Deadpool 2 Had a More Creative Title

Deadpool 2 is now showing in theaters and everyone is ecstatic about it. Judging from the reviews and fan responses, it seems like the Merc with a Mouth's second film is a great time and improves upon the weaknesses of its predecessor. Ryan Reynolds seems to be proud of the work he's done in the film but does have a minor regret about the project.

Speaking with BUILD, the actor revealed that he isn't too happy with the film's lazy name. Many thought that the movie would go through a name change since it was once called the Untitled Deadpool Sequel. Fans were actually hoping that Untitled Deadpool Sequel would be the film's name but marketing won this round.

Admittedly, he doesn't seem too bothered by the news and some fans would have inevitably called the film Deadpool 2 anyway since Untitled Deadpool Sequel or whatever comedic name was conjured up would have been too long. Reynolds hinted that he wanted some sort of subtitle but the simplicity of having 2 after the film's first name will do for now.

The future for Deadpool after this film will be interesting, especially with Disney purchasing Fox soon. We will be seeing Reynolds return as the character for Drew Goddard's X-Force film and Reynolds even said that a Deadpool 3 could follow soon after.

Deadpool 2 is now showing in cinemas.

Read:Deadpool 2 Director Says He Loves The Movie's "Artistic" And "Surreal" Moment

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