Russo Brothers Tease Three Post Credits Scenes in Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is undoubtedly one of the biggest films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that will grace cinemas this generation.

Apart from a slew of fan-favorite comic book characters that we've seen in previous Marvel films, it's also the first time that the Avengers will be joined by Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Ant-Man. Obviously, expectations are high. But a recent interview with Directors Joe and Anthony Russo might raise the bar in audience anticipation.

The Russo brothers recently sat down with Forbes, and this is what Joe said when asked who's going to appear in the post credits:

We can't say who is going to be in it but we can say that there certainly could be one, or two, maybe three. We can confirmthat you should stay sat in your seats when the movie is done.

I initially thought they meant three characters in the post credit scenes, but then they could have actually meant three scenes rather than characters. Even if Joe Russo wasn't serious in his statement, it's intriguing to think that there will be three post credit scenes after Captain America: Civil War ends.

There are lots of possibilities as to which Marvel movies and characters will be included. Of course, Doctor Strange is a no-brainer, since the film is up for a November release. As for the other two, there are still about 9 more Marvel films up for release in the coming years. One movie close to 2016 is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, to be released in 2017. This is a probable option since Director James Gunn already announced filming to have begun a few weeks ago. Actress Karen Gillain, who plays Nebula in the movie, even shared a behind-the-scenes photo most recently. However, Gunn previously said that the Guardians will be independent of the events on Earth, so there could be no way that Star-Lord and the gang could be meeting the Avengers any time soon. I'm still hoping though.

Another possible guess is Spider-Man, set for release next year as well. Joe did say Spider-Man was his favorite character growing up, so he could have found a way to include the web-slinging hero in the Civil War post credits.

Of course, all this guessing could prove moot if Joe had indeed been kidding. But a fan could hope right?

I seriously can't wait to see Civil War, especially now that there's a possibility of three post credits scenes.

What do you think?

Captain America: Civil War is slated for release on May 6.

Read:Check Out The Opposing Teams of Marvel's Civil War II Comics

Read:Vision is Suited Up in This Captain America: Civil War Footage

Read:Russo Brothers Tease New Captain America: Civil War Footage

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