Porg Stowaway Gets Ready To Take Over The Galaxy In New Star Wars Video

Though some Star Wars fans aren't that eager to welcome the Porgs into the franchise, it seems like these new furry overlords are now on their way to conquer the galaxy far, far away as one little wide-eyed stowaway tries to take control over the Millennium Falcon.

Setting out to win fans over, Lucasfilm has released a series of shorts involving the Star Wars franchise's newest batch of cutesy characters, the Porgs. In one of the videos released by the studio, fans get to see a runaway Porg pop up in Han Solo's (Harrison Ford) ship along with Chewie and BB-8.

Check it out down here:

Though it's a short animated clip that lasts a little bit longer than half a minute, the Stowaway video is a pretty funny romp. Chewie has a little riot in his hands as he tries to get the porg to sit still, and it's hilariously cute watching BB-8 knocking his machinery around trying to get the porg in place while the Han's old partner tries to get the Millennium Falcon into hyperdrive. The look on the porg's face as the ship goes through lightspeed is priceless.

Sure, some Star Wars fans might think that the porgs are just another merch machine like the Ewoks, but Lucasfilm's porg videos certainly make it hard fighting against these cute little fluffies.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi makes its big premiere on December 15, 2017.

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