Pokemon Go Players See New Bug Affecting Sightings & Spawns While Driving

Just recently, Pokemon Go developer Niantic Labs has rolled out a new patch that is supposed to make the grind and the training a lot easier for casual players.

We see a new catch bonus to make every Pokemon worth catching. Medals are also put to better use because of this.

However, a new and possibly unintentional bug is plaguing the game once again. Ironically, this will make the new patch useless, particularly for catching rare ‘mons.

Over at The Silph Road, a Reddit thread has been discussing a potential bug that may disable the Sightings feature and spawning for Pokemon at driving speeds.

Some players have attested to the issue, with some even seeing the glitch even when they are just walking. There is even one player who reported encountering the same issue while just at home.

A lot of players have already reported losing precious rare ‘mons to the glitch, which can get pretty frustrating when the game is supposed to be about catching and collecting them. Several players have reported having to force-restart the app just to get the Sightings and spawns back on the game.

This is essentially bad for so many reasons. On the upside, it will dissuade drivers who play Pokemon Go when they should have their eyes glued to the road. On the flip side, players who aren't driving are deprived of the possible kilometers they can be getting for hatching eggs, or just plain playing the game.

However, it takes away the nice gameplay experience for those who are carpooling, riding as passengers, or taking cabs or train rides for commute. I can attest to the importance of this, as I play the game while on my way to work or an errand. And the time spent riding the train or riding as a passenger are precious minutes that we don't normally get—especially when you live in No PokeStop-ville, according to my Pokemon Go map.

Hopefully, Niantic Labs will fix this. Its Sightings feature has been among the worst ones so far, which it should address in the next patch.

Read:Check out this funny Pokemon Go-inspired music video.

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