Despite a lot of naysayers and elitists claiming that it was just a fad, Pokemon GO seems to be stronger than ever, making a ton of money and releasing more updates that have made it a ton of fun. While a lot of us wish that the game had launched with some of these features, the fact that it got a ton of people to leave their house, socialize, and exercise a bit can't be understated.
Tommy, a fan who has been struggling with weight issues, released a video in collaboration with developer Niantic about how he ended up losing a ton of weight by playing Pokemon GO. It seems that his weight issues were so severe that he didn't recognize who he was anymore and originally used the mobile game as an excuse to have 20-minute walks.
In the end, the game ended up helping him have a regular exercise routine that worked really well for him. It also helps that playing Pokemon GO helped him make a number of new friends, which is almost-always a positive. You can make all your jokes about how GO isn't a "real" Pokemon game but it still has a lot of fans and the fact that it helped this person can't be ignored.
Whether you want to try losing weight or just need an excuse to get out of the house, check out Pokemon GO right now on iOS and Android devices.
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