No Man’s Sky Subreddit Drama Concludes with Reopening

As if the drama of an investigation related to the way No Man's Sky was marketed, even some of the fans of the game are seeing some intense drama of their own.

The subreddit for No Man's Sky was previously shut down b its moderator. Eurogamer managed to catch the message of the moderator, where he cited that the decision to shut it down was due to its transformation into a "hate filled wastehole of no actual discussion."

According to the moderator, that was not the intention when the subreddit was first created, and that he did not want to continue a platform that only bred hate. However, as of writing, the subreddit is already back with a new and only one moderator in the meantime.

His message for the subreddit users are pretty straightforward:

"I know the past few hours have been confusing. I've been reviewing the situation and working with /u/r0ugew0lf to determine the needs of this community and how the admins can help meet them. He's been an enormous help and I appreciate him working with us during a difficult time. He's going to take a break and has handed the reins over to me to get the subreddit restarted. I've extended invitations to some of the previous moderators to get things started and will likely be needing some additional help.
At the core of things, this is a subreddit and a community centered around No Man's Sky. I'm asking everyone here to participate in good faith and leave any frustration with the recent situation at the door."

The goal of the revamped No Man's Sky subreddit is to ensure that the area is free of comments that are unrelated to the actual game. This includes criticisms of former mods in the form of name-calling and complaints that are not constructive.

This hasn't stopped fans from giving some comments on the entertainment that the subreddit has provided. The good thing about this is that current moderator Sporkicide has stated that the subreddit is also not about censoring any criticisms of the game.

"I wouldn't want to see it become heavily censored either, nor do I see a reason it should. Criticism is a vital part of open conversation."

No Man's Sky is still looking at a number of issues as a game. A lot of fans are still waiting on Hello Games to deliver the game that was promised years back.

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