No Loot Boxes to Anger Fans in Rage 2

There is a lot of hype surrounding Rage 2, even though it is the sequel to an average game. The first trailer showed a lot of promise, however, with great graphics, fast-paced gameplay, and a surprisingly colorful visual style. Set for a 2019 release, the game should be one that players pay attention to.

Speaking of paying, the developers were quick to point out that the shooter will not have any loot boxes during an interview with German website GameStar (via USGamer). Loot Boxes have been the center of controversy for a while now but they took a major turn during the hype for Star Wars Battlefront II, so this is good to hear.

While developer id Software isn't going to implement Loot Boxes, they did say that Rage 2 will follow the "games as a service" approach. This probably means that there will be some post-launch DLC for the game, which isn't too bad. Paying for more content is better than having to pay just to progress.

It looks like the game will be a huge improvement over the first one, with a massive open-world and faster-paced gameplay. Add the crazy vehicles plus some frenetic shooting, and it looks like we have one of 2019's more interesting games.

Rage 2 is coming out in 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Read:Rage 2 Gameplay Trailer is Action-Packed and Surprisingly Colorful

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