New Thor: Ragnarok Images Featuring Cate Blanchett's Hela

Earlier today, the first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok was released, and it didn't just give us an incredible look at the gladiator version of Mark Ruffalo's The Hulk, it also gave us fresh footage of the main villain, Cate Blanchett's Hela.

From the looks of it, Hela is a powerful villain that will give our Marvel heroes a hard time. Check out the images captured from the trailer:


In Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok – the destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization – at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first, he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger – the Incredible Hulk!

Thor: Ragnarok will be released in theaters on Nov. 3.

Related: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Director Teases How They Make Great Trailers

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