My Oni Girl: What Are the Snow Gods? Nature and Origin Explained

my oni girl snow gods hiiragi
Credit: Screenshot at 0:47 via Netflix Anime Official YouTube Channel

my oni girl snow gods hiiragi
Credit: Screenshot at 0:47 via Netflix Anime Official YouTube Channel

My Oni Girl finally premiered on Netflix, taking the audience on an epic adventure in the hidden world of Oni, where everything is seemingly perfect and possible. But no matter how dreamy the hidden world of Oni is, there are dangers lurking in the shadows, one of which is My Oni Girl's Snow Gods.

Since My Oni Girl is a supernatural anime film, it is rich with Japanese folklore about deities and spirits associated with snow or winter. If you know about Yuki-onna or the snow woman, this time you'll discover what the snow gods are in My Oni Girl.

Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from My Oni Girl, so proceed with caution.

What Are the Snow Gods in My Oni Girl?

The Snow Gods are those flying monsters with semi-transparent-like bodies in My Oni Girl.

They look like Spirited Away's No-Face or Kaonashi, except the snow gods aren't covered by a black robe.

They also have a different white mask-like face, showing only minimal features.

It's unknown whether they can communicate with other people, including Oni, contributing to their enigmatic presence in the film.

Where Did the Snow Gods Come from in My Oni Girl?

According to Gozen, the chief of the oni, the Snow Gods were summoned to protect the hidden world of the oni.

They worshipped the Snow Gods for blessing the Oni and for helping keep their village hidden from humans.

However, it took a sacrifice for the Snow Gods to appear. Tsumugi's mother bravely took on the role of summoning the Snow Gods to help the village, even if it meant leaving her husband and cute daughter.

Are the Snow Gods Good or Evil in My Oni Girl?

At the beginning of the series, the Snow Gods were docile toward the Oni. They were considered protectors of the Oni, but not until Tsumugi's mother began to miss her life with her husband and daughter.

Her negative attitude influenced the Snow Gods, as if her loneliness resonated with them, resulting in their aggressive behavior.

They began to pursue the Oni, consuming them and transporting them far away from their home.

One of them even devoured Hiiragi, who fortunately escaped after thinking about Tsumugi and his will to be with her no matter what happened.

By the end of My Oni Girl, the Snow Gods disappeared after Tsumugi's mother decided to go home and abandon her post. Gozen didn't mind, as she believes that the hidden world of Oni could just adapt to the changing times.

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