Marvel's Kevin Feige Officially Confirms Michael Keaton as the Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Michael Keaton has been attached as a villain in Spider-Man: Homecoming for several months, and it was long rumored that he would play the Vulture but never officially confirmed until now. Just yesterday, we saw a new look at the Vulture in the film; now, in an interview with TorontoSun, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed Keaton's role.

When asked about the villains in the future films, Feige addressed Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War, and Spider-Man: Homecoming, saying:

"We've had a wish list, and most of them in the near-term are coming together. Cate Blanchett is playing Hela in Thor: Ragnarok. Michael Keaton's Vulture in Spider-Man [Homecoming] is something. And of course, finally, we're showcasing Josh Brolin's Thanos (in Avengers: Infinity War). We're looking forward to that very much."

Of course, this was a case of a long rumor that lacked official confirmation. I think the Bird Man actor is perfect for this role. What do you think?

Spider-Man: Homecoming will hit theaters on July 7, 2017.

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