Rachel McAdams is set to reprise her role as Christine Palmer for the Doctor Strange sequel, Multiverse of Madness. McAdams plays the love interest for Doctor. Strange but unfortunately, the two didn't end up together after the events of 2016's debut of Doctor Strange.

In 2016's Doctor Strange, Christine Palmer was a nurse in the same hospital that Stephen Strange was in. After Strange's car accident that cost him to lose his ability to perform surgeries, he proceeds to look for a cure that would bring back his hands to their normal condition. Strange then stumbled upon the Ancient One, who introduced him to the world of sorcerers. Stephen Strange left behind his desires for Christine and rather focused on being the protector of the universe formally gaining his titular title, Doctor Strange.
Doctor Strange then joined the Avengers and defended the universe from The Mad Titan, Thanos. Even though Doctor Strange is now occupied with helping the Avengers like Spiderman in No Way Home, it doesn't mean that he doesn't think about Christine all along.
In Disney’s D23 Magazine, Spring 2022 issue, Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness producer, Richie Palmer confirmed that Doctor Strange had not forgotten Christine Palmer.
Palmer started by confirming that Doctor Strange and Wong are still the chief protectors of our reality, especially with any Multiversal and mystic threats. The producer then continued about Christine and Doctor Strange's love story,
“They are not back together, unfortunately... as we saw at the end of Doctor Strange, he chose to stay in the Sanctum, meaning he cant entertain his selfish desires. He would've loved to stay with Christine at the end of that movie, but he did the hard thing. He said, 'No. I'm going to be a Super Hero and defend our reality. I have to move on. Our movie shows him dealing with the decisions he's made. He might regret how things ended with Christine; he still carries a torch for her.”
Looks like Doctor Strange has no time for love. And being the defender of the universe will just complicate things not just for Strange but also for Christine. Doctor Strange's decision to leave Christine is surely what's best for her
In the new Multiverse of Madness trailer, we saw Christine walking down the aisle but not for her former flame. Another cut of the trailer teases Christine together with America Chavez and Doctor Strange in a Multiversal dimension. We can assume for now that Christine will play a huge part in Doctor Strange's adventure in the sequel and will have more screentime than the previous film.
We will witness more of Doctor Strange and Christine when Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness premiers in theaters, on May 6, 2022.