The Marvel Cinematic Universe is forever altered following the shocking events that transpired during Loki's finale episode. Episode 6 fired on all cylinders, exceeded all expectations, and it surely left MCU fans at the edge of their seats. The finale saw Loki and Sylvie finally unravel the truth behind the Time Variance Authority which is apparently run by a man they refer to as "He Who Remains" aka a variant version of Kang the Conqueror, the franchise's next big bad.
In the episode, Kang explains what led to the creation of the TVA and why the organization needs to exist under his guidance. Of course, Sylvie bought nothing from his explanation, believing that he's only manipulating them in order for him to rule the sacred timeline. In an attempt to put a stop to his tricks, she ended up killing Kang, officially branching the timelines and unleashing more problems in the process.
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Sylvie's shocking decision to kill "He Who Remains" gave fans horrible flashbacks to that time Star-Lord cost the Earth's Mightiest Heroes a potential victory against Thanos during Avengers: Infinity War's climactic sequence. If you may recall, Tony Stark and company were close to removing the Infinity Gauntlet from the Mad Titan when Star-Lord's emotions got the best of him. However, the female Loki variant undoubtedly caused an even bigger problem that pales in comparison to what Peter Quill did.
We don't know what the future holds for Sylvie and the rest of the Loki variants trapped inside The Void but with the Kang variants once again freed to start the multiversal war thanks to Sylvie, the chances of them actually returning to their respective timelines just became a lot slimmer.
Loki's first season is now streaming on Disney+.