Batwoman has been another solid addition to the DC/CW lineup, balancing superhero fights with relevant issues, with the most recent episode in particular actually doing some great LGBTQ representation by having the hero come out to Gotham City. The episode also had an interesting easter egg with major implications, teasing that the series might actually be in the same continuity as Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.
During the most recent episode of Batwoman episode, called How Queer is Everything Today, points out how Gotham City forced trains to run on an analog system after "The Scarecrow Incident." That's clearly a reference to Batman Begins, where Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul attempted to use the train system to deliver a neurotoxin to the city's water supply.
It's obviously just a nice little reference to other Batman media but you can't help but start speculating about the continuity of Batwoman. After all, this version of Gotham City does have a Batman who abandoned Gotham City for unknown reasons. Granted, The Dark Knight Rises made Gotham City think that Batman and Bruce Wayne died, even though we all know he made it out fine.
Could have used more subtlety and vagueness there Chris. Still, a solid ending to the trilogy though, just a bit weak when compared to The Dark Knight and even Batman Begins.
Anyway, speculate all you want. Batwoman shows every Sunday on The CW.
Via CinemaBlend
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