Kelly Marie Tran Returning for Upcoming Star Wars Celebration

I think it's pretty safe to say that Rose Tico isn't every Star Wars fan's cup of tea and despite Lucasfilm's attempts to turn her into one of the sequel trilogy's central characters, the way she was presented left a bad taste in the mouths of longtime followers of the Skywalker saga.

Still, that doesn't erase the fact that the character, played by Kelly Marie Tran is part of Star Wars history. This is why Tran is set to make her return to the franchise next month to celebrate the highs and lows of the sequels.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

Star Wars confirmed this week that Tran will be among the special guests for the upcoming Star Wars Celebration which makes its triumphant return after a two-year absence. Taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center, Kelly will be joined by fellow sequel trilogy actress and daughter of the late Carrie Fisher, Billy Lourd.

The specifics of their involvement in the spectacle have not been disclosed yet but both actors are expected to participate in photo-ops and autographs.

Also Read: The Mandalorian Set to Have its Own Panel at Star Wars Celebration

Going back to Rose Tico, despite the fact that her The Last Jedi arc felt unnecessary, there's no denying that the character was a victim of poor writing, much like other characters from the sequels like Finn and Rey. Now, we don't know for sure if Tico will ever make her return to a galaxy far, far away but given the chance, I hope Disney and Lucasfilm will give her a more compelling story.

The 2022 edition of the Star Wars Celebration kickstarts on May 26 and will culminate on May 29th.