Justice League Run Time Revealed

Run times of movies have a specific art. Too long and you can ruin interest, while too short can run the risk of half-baked development. The shortened movie run time may be one of the banes of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. After all, when the Ultimate Edition was released, most critics were slightly appeased, while a lot were actually wonder why in the hell director Zack Snyder release a shortened but undeniably messier version?

This incident may have been a lesson learned moment for Snyder, as Justice League is now pegged for a lengthier run, two hours and 50 minutes screen run in theaters, according to its IMDB listing. That's almost three hours' worth of (hopefully) a meatier storyline and more action than what we've seen in the recently released trailer.

Personally, I'm torn with this listing. I would rather that the movie be long than to have its editors cut out crucial moments to begin with. I would always take character development and story building over insane effects and slow-mo shots that are signature Snyder any day.

However, it also begs the question—does this show just how badly Justice League is in need of development and character introduction? We've already seen characters who I was expecting would be introduced in the heroes' respective origin/solo movies. And yet we see them here, apparently playing non-cameo roles instead.

Packing all those introductions for the backstories of Cyborg, Aquaman, The Flash, and Batman will be a pain. But again, that's three hours' worth of storytelling. I'm crossing my fingers that there will be character development, instead of expecting them to bring their comic book knowledge into cinemas.

Justice League will be out in theaters on Nov. 16.

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