John Boyega Joins In On Mark Hamill’s Finn Skywalker Prank

Star Wars: The Last Jedi's John Boyega has decided to jump in with Mark Hamill and troll Star Wars fan with the whole "Finn Skywalker" hullabaloo.

Celebrating his birthday last Friday, legendary Star Wars co-star Hamill decided to greet the stormtrooper-turned-rebel with a message that could troll fans into thinking that the British actor's character, Finn, is actually related to the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Hamill knows just how much Star Wars fans latch on to the tiniest tease, and he loves messing around like the joker he is (pun intended, lol).

Check out the birthday greeting he posted on Twitter:

Boyega decided to play along with the whole "Finn Skywalker" game by responding to the tweet yesterday, saying:

Fans have posted funny reaction GIFs to the whole exchange, either feigning shock at the whole idea of a "Finn Skywalker" or actually thinking about the idea. Last year Hamill also tried to make the same joke by calling Boyega "sensational," later on revealing that he was pulling a prank on fans. Hamill's a very funny man indeed and he loves to mess with his fans a lot.

Boyega and Hamill are set to return to the big screen in The Last Jedi which is slated for release on December 15, 2017.

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