Is Tis Time for Torture Princess a Yuri Anime? Does It Have Yuri Elements?

Is 'Tis Time for Torture Princess a Yuri Anime? Does It Have Yuri Elements?
Credit: Pine Jam

Is 'Tis Time for Torture Princess a Yuri Anime? Does It Have Yuri Elements?
Credit: Pine Jam

'Tis Time for Torture Princess is known as a comfort anime in the winter 2024 season lineup for those who want to watch something lighthearted but entertaining. It is a comedy anime, but as the plot develops, many are wondering if 'Tis Time for Torture Princess is a yuri anime.

If so, what are the yuri elements of the series?

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What Is the Genre of 'Tis Time for Torture?

Based on MyAnimeList and LiveChart, 'Tis Time for Torture Princess is a fantasy, comedy, and gourmet anime, while Anime News Network's official website also lists slice-of-life as the anime's genre.

This anime is fantasy since it has a variety of characters, primarily Louch Brittan, a white knight who uses magic to rescue the princess from the Demon Lord's palace.

In addition, there is the presence of a sentient sword that frequently serves as the princess' conscience and voice of reason, even if his advice is usually ignored.

The presence of Hellhorde's army also adds to the anime's fantasy setup.

'Tis Time for Torture is also a comedy anime since it depicts the Princess and her torturers, including Torture Tortura, Vanilla, Maomao-chan, Inki, and Youki, in hilarious situations.

The Demon Lord is also humorous, unlike other existing demon lords.

'Tis Time for Torture is also a gourmet anime, thanks to the delectable Japanese snacks and food it features to torture the Princess.

Even Torture Tortura has some bonus scenes where we see her indulging in various snacks.

Is ‘Tis Time for Torture Princess a Yuri Anime?

Inki Youki Tis Time for Torture
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Credit: Pine Jam

No, 'Tis Time for Torture Princess is not a yuri anime, but it does have some yuri qualities any fan will notice immediately when they watch the show.

If you're a yuri fan, you can add 'Tis Time for Torture Princess to your watch list but don't expect too much because it's technically not a yuri anime.

What Are the Yuri Elements in ‘Tis Time for Torture Princess?

torture tortura princess tis time for torture
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Credit: Pine Jam

Many fans ship the Princess and Torture Tortura because they look good together. They had several memorable moments in the anime, which may be wholesome to some but signal romantic possibilities to others.

Furthermore, Inki and Youki, who were the best of friends, have something special going on, particularly in the episode where they are in school and dream of becoming torturers someday.

Finally, Vanilla Peschutz is a tsundere who has had a soft spot for the Princess since she met her, prompting many to ship the two of them together.

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