Is Morgan Elsbeth Evil in Star Wars: Tales of the Empire? Character Arc Explained

is morgan elsbeth evil tales of the empire
Credit: Lucasfilm | Lucasfilm Animation | Disney+ | Screenshot at 1:11 from Tales of the Empire Official Trailer | Fair Use for Promotional Purposes

is morgan elsbeth evil tales of the empire
Credit: Lucasfilm | Lucasfilm Animation | Disney+ | Screenshot at 1:11 from Tales of the Empire Official Trailer | Fair Use for Promotional Purposes

Tales of the Empire tells two stories: Morgan Elsbeth's and Barriss Offee's. With the first part of the series, we get to find out: is Morgan Elsbeth evil in Star Wars: Tales of the Empire? Here's what her backstory tells us.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, so proceed with caution.

Who Is Morgan Elsbeth in Star Wars?

Morgan Elsbeth first appeared in The Mandalorian season 2 episode 5 titled Chapter 13: The Jedi, where we also got to witness the first live-action debut of Ahsoka Tano in the Star Wars franchise.

Morgan was one of the few people who had survived the Clone Wars. She was always seen as ruthless and vicious when it came to enforcing the Empire's vision on anyone who got in their way.

She was fueled by the anger of wanting to seek revenge by building ships for the Imperial Starfleet while taking the galaxy's resources after destroying them.

Morgan had been a loyal servant and follower of the Chiss Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was the reason Morgan became an Imperial sympathizer, awaiting his return.

Morgan was the main antagonist in the Ahsoka series in 2023. However, now that Star Wars: Tales of the Empire is out, fans get to see where her newly formed morals came from.

READ MORE: Why Was Barriss Offee Promoted to Inquisitor in Tales of the Empire? Role and Promotion Explained

Is Morgan Elsbeth Evil or Good in Tales of the Empire?

Morgan Elsbeth's biography is told in the first three episodes of Star Wars: Tales of the Empire. Staying true to the episode titles Path of Fear, Path of Anger, and Path of Hate, this shaped the Morgan we know today.

Rooted in losing her mother during the Clone Wars, this only brewed the revenge Morgan had long been waiting for.

By gaining the Imperial favor, she believed the only way to move forward was by using force and power to wield people towards her vision.

While she initially had good intentions to save her people, her loss had only driven her to a darker path, transforming her villain arc in the franchise.

"My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire," Morgan admitted to Thrawn on their first meeting in Tales of the Empire episode 2.

From then on, Thrawn's acceptance of her allegiance further enhanced the idea of Morgan's ambition to "save the galaxy from ruin" by burning fires.

READ NEXT: Does Barriss Offee Die in Star Wars: Tales of the Empire? Fate Explained

All six episodes of Star Wars: Tales of the Empire are available to stream on Disney+.

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