The fantasy anime Ishura continues to introduce its champions, who have the potential to participate in the upcoming competition in Aureatia. One of them is Dakai the Magpie, who appeared in the third episode. So, how strong is Dakai the Magpie in Ishura?
Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Ishura series.
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Who Is Dakai the Magpie in Ishura?
Dakai the Magpie is the remarkably resourceful bandit employed by Taren the Guarded (Taren the Punished in some translations) in Ishura.
In the third episode of the anime, he retrieved the magical item called Cold Star for Taren from the Great Labyrinth and was asked to find out about Aureatia’s informants and capture them.
He has an enigmatic demeanor, but he enjoys his freedom to do whatever he wants, including stealing from others.
An unmatched master thief, Dakai takes pride in his own skills and would often correct those who mistook him for a warrior or even a swordsman.
Like most Visitors from the distant world, Dakai is an aberrant entity that cannot be tolerated.
He has a huge appetite for violence, and he’s willing to throw himself into any dangerous or difficult fight, just to push his skills to their limit and, most of the time, just for the thrill of it.
Interestingly, Dakai can also be helpful to those who earn his respect despite his negative behavior toward other people.
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How Strong Is Dakai the Magpie in Ishura?
In Ishura, Dakai the Magpie has a very quick eye, capable of assessing the battle’s terrain faster than anyone else, fitting for his reputation as a skilled bandit.
Thanks to this ability, Dakai annihilated Aureatia’s Secret Service in the third episode, as if he were just toying with them.
Dakai also used the Magicked Blade of Razhucort, which prides itself on seizing the initiative in any attack.
With this, Dakai was able to take his opponents’ lives in a grotesque fashion.
The narrator of the Ishura anime describes Dakai as someone who can stop even the speed of bullets in his consciousness, in addition to possessing remarkable eyesight and an enchanted sword.
Also, Dakai boasts the power of insight to conquer impenetrable labyrinths by himself. He can also plunder in moments of utmost crisis with hands and fingers of absolute precision and divine speed.
Ultimately, Dakai the Magpie, as an unrivaled thief, can steal across the boundaries of his world with a rampant disregard for the law.
As more episodes of Ishura get released, there’s a huge chance that we will see Dakai in action again. It is unknown if he can use Word Arts, but it is said that Visitors like him can't use them.
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