Han Solo Won’t Appear In Star Wars Rebels Fourth Season

The events of Star Wars Rebels' fourth and final season might be approaching the battles in Star Wars: A New Hope and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but it seems like the series won't be getting any appearances from Han Solo.

Popular Star Wars movie characters like Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, and Darth Vader might have popped up in Disney XD's Star Wars animated series, but chances that Han Solo might appear in the final season of Rebels is very unlikely.

Dave Filoni just recently went on an interview with Gizmodo, and during discussions with the publication, Rebels' executive producer decided to let fans know that they shouldn't expect a cameo from Han Solo.

"I don't know if there's anything Ezra Bridger could really add to the saga of a Han Solo type character," Filoni explained. "We already had Lando in our show, but we have to be careful about it being a variety show. We've had a lot of characters come in and out and I always get worried about small galaxy syndrome."

Having a popular character from the original trilogy pop up in Rebels might sound exciting, but if it doesn't make sense to have Han Solo appear, then it's best to keep him from having a cameo in the series.

New episodes of Star Wars Rebels' fourth season airs every Monday at 9:00 PM ET on Disney XD.

Read: Star Wars Rebels Broadcast Times Shift To Avoid Spoilers

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