Han and Lando Meet in New Solo: A Star Wars Story Clip

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes out in a few weeks, and Lucasfilm is trying to keep everyone excited by releasing little videos here and there for the film. One of the latest is this one where Han Solo meets Lando Calrissian for the first time.

Check it out:

For one, fans will notice how Lando mispronounces "Han" when Han introduces himself. It has always been a running gag in the Original Trilogy that Lando keeps flubbing the pronunciation of Han's name. I guess he'll be keeping the habit well into the future when he becomes administrator for Cloud City.

A lot of fans are also happy to know that Lando has given us the official pronunciation for "Sabacc." Now we just have to know which is the proper pronunciation for "Falcon"; Han does pronounce it "Fahl-con" a couple of times in the original trilogy. I wonder if mispronouncing things will be a running gag between Han and Lando in this film.

Through a series of daring escapades, young Han Solo meets his future co-pilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian.

Catch Han, Lando, and a whole slew of new characters when Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters May 25.

See Also: Han Meets Val and Beckett in Clip from Solo: A Star Wars Story

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