Frieren Composer Evan Call Reveals His Favorite Songs from the Soundtrack

frieren evan call favorite songs himmel
Credit: ©Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe-Shogakukan- “Frieren” Project

frieren evan call favorite songs himmel
Credit: ©Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe-Shogakukan- “Frieren” Project

Recently, we got to interview Frieren composer Evan Call, who revealed to us his favorite songs from the show’s soundtrack.

The complete Frieren: Beyond Journey's End soundtrack was finally released on April 17. Before, only the pre-release soundtrack was available, which featured only a selection of songs.

Among the pre-release songs, Zoltraak is no doubt a highlight. In our recent interview, we found out other tracks that Call likes and thinks fans will love as well.

Evan Call Shares His Two Favorite ‘Battle Themes’

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Credit: ©Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe-Shogakukan- “Frieren” Project

Frieren's soundtrack has a lot of tracks that are a bit more subdued and are rather relaxing. This makes the battle themes stand out even more. Thus, it’s no surprise that one of Call’s favorite tracks is Frieren the Slayer.

“I really like Frieren the Slayer which played during the Frieren vs Clone Frieren fight,” said Call.

“It’s super epic, and it also played in the Aura fight at the end when she meets her demise. I really like that song. That one's also a little bit different than the others as it has choir as the main focus of the track.”

Aside from this track, Call also mentioned in the interview that he imagines fans would also gravitate toward Dragon Smasher, a song that essentially functions as Stark's battle theme.

In a way, this song is reminiscent of Zoltraak, meaning it should appeal to a lot of fans as well.

“It's a little bit similar in a way to Fern's theme in terms of being a kind of uptempo folk track,“ shared Call. “But it's a little bit less pop, a little bit more orchestral-focused.”

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Frieren’s Composer on Making the Songs Enjoyable for Listeners

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Credit: ©Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe-Shogakukan- “Frieren” Project

A similarity that the battle themes share is that they are quite catchy and enjoyable to listen to even on their own, all while perfectly complementing the action on screen.

Interestingly, Call revealed that he thinks about the songs on their own while creating the soundtrack instead of purely complementing an anime’s atmosphere.

"I like to write with the idea that, afterward, people might remember or they might want to listen to it again, rather than just atmosphere, kind of feeling music or something like that, which of course, there's room for that in most shows too," said Call.

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Evan Call’s Quieter Pick Is Another Standout Track

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Credit: ©Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe-Shogakukan- “Frieren” Project

Of course, the standout tracks aren’t limited to the battle themes. Call also shared that he likes One Last Adventure, given that it plays during the party’s final adventure together to see the meteor shower.

Finally, Call named Time Flows Ever Onward as another of his favorites. After all, this track plays every time the show shares how many years have passed since Himmel's death.

The complete Frieren soundtrack is out now on streaming platforms and digital stores.

Which song from the anime do you like the most? Let us know in the comments.

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