Felicity Jones' 'Rogue One' Character Name Revealed?

Star Wars has a long history of unforgettable names, from Han Solo, Jabba the Hutt, and Darth Vader to Poe Dameron, BB-8, and Kylo Ren. However, most of the names from Gareth Edwards' Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, remain unknown, but the guys at MakingStarwars.net have heard from their sources about what Felicity Jones' character name might be. This hasn't been officially confirmed, so there's a chance that this might not be accurate, but if you don't want to see any Rogue One spoilers, turn back now.

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Making Star Wars, a site that has a good track of rumors like this (They've leaked a lot of confirmed details from The Force Awakens), said that Felicity Jones' character is named Jyn. Her character's code name was "Seal Leader Green" ("Seal" being the codename for the Rebel characters in the film). Some names that had previously been reported are Mads Mikkelsen's character being "Galen"; and Riz Ahmed's character being named "Bohdi Rook".

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story wil be released in theaters on Dec. 16, 2016.

Read:New Villain Rumored In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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