Fans Speculating Whether The Creatures In Snoke’s Throne Room Are Jawas Or Droids

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a little over a month away from its release date and Lucasfilm is busy adding to the hype releasing new posters and TV spots for the highly anticipated Star Wars sequel trilogy installment.

Last night the studio rolled out a brand new TV spot for The Force Awakens sequel showcasing some previously seen sequences, and fans were able to notice some of the new creatures hanging around Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room.

The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson is big on expanding the list of unique creatures in the galaxy far, far away and Star Wars special effects artist Neal Scanlan has been recently introducing some the new creatures like the "crystal foxes" and the Porgs.

Now, zoning in on the weird looking creatures in Snoke's throne room, fans on Reddit have started speculating on what the new alien species could be, saying that they look very much like Jawas. Hooded and tucked away at the far back of the frame, the creatures seem to have bright blue eyes shining in the dark.

While some believe that the creature could be a type of doctor, others believe that it might actually be a new type of droid. A fan who lightened the image on Photoshop also noted that the creature seemed to lack feet, floating in the air lightly.

Could they be floating Jawas? Or just a new kind of droid? Either way we'll find out when Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits cinemas on December 15, 2017.

Read: New Star Wars: The Last Jedi TV Spot Shows Luke Skywalker Entering The Millennium Falcon

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