EA Games Will Attend Star Wars Celebration in Orlando

Fans will celebrate all things Star Wars in this year's Star Wars Celebration Orlando, and that includes games. The latest episode of The Star Wars Show just announced that Electronic Arts will be presenting their collection of upcoming Star Wars games at the event.

The company will most likely showcase exciting video game franchises like Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and Star Wars Battlefront. EA will also bring mobile games like Star Wars: Force Collection, Star Wars: Pinball, and Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. For The Old Republic fans, there's also a Cantina event happening off-site that will let players meet the designers behind the game.

EA hasn't made any official announcements about Star Wars Battlefront 2 but they will most likely make one at the event.

Lucasfilm's latest trademark hints at a new Star Wars game, that most likely will be a mobile game, so they might also reveal that project at Celebration 2017.

Star Wars Celebration Orlando will be held on April 13th - 16th in Orlando, Florida!

For more information, check out the Star Wars Celebration website.

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